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Mission Statement: It is our mission to identify, preserve and promote the historic legacy of the Murrieta Valley and to educate the public about its historical significance.
MVHS Current Accomplishments:
2016: Society formed and then unearthed a 25-year-old cityhood time capsule.
2016: Began collecting oral history interviews including the first Murrieta Mayor.
2017: Cleaned the historic Ray’s Cafe & Lakeman House property, recovering thousands of photographs, documents, and artifacts related to Murrieta’s history.
2017: Began historic presentations in partnership with the Murrieta Public Library.
2018: Established the first official Murrieta Museum, a Center of Culture and History.
2019: The Murrieta Museum at the Historic Hunt House grand opening at the Murrieta Fireman's BBQ
2020: Hosted 3rd grade tours from Murrieta Elementary School and conducted multiple oral histories.

Founding board in 2019
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